
The Infection Prevention Society

The Infection Prevention Society is a registered charity whose mission is to inform promote and sustain expert infection prevention policy and practice in the pursuit of patient or service user and staff safety wherever care is delivered. Its vision is that no person is harmed by a preventable infection.

The College of Operating Department Practitioners

The College of Operating Department Practitioners is the professional body for operating department practitioners (ODPs). It provides guidance on professional and educational issues to members of the profession, and advises a broad selection of national and local bodies on matters relating to operating department practice. It represents more than 5000 members throughout the UK and overseas, and hosts regular seminars and other public events.

The Association for Perioperative Practice

The Association for Perioperative Practice is a registered charity working to enhance skills and knowledge within the perioperative arena. For more than 50 years they have promoted best practice and standards of care within this area and currently represent 6,500 theatre practitioners from across the UK and overseas.

Royal College of Nursing

The Royal College of Nursing is the UK’s largest nursing professional body and trade union representing more than 430,000 nursing staff. Founded in 1916, the RCN has worked for more than 100 years to improve nursing education, develop and share good practice and promote nursing as a profession. The RCN Perioperative Forum and the Infection Prevention and Control Network support nursing staff working in settings where surgical care is given.

Central Sterilising Club

The CSC was founded in 1960 by a small group of enthusiastic individuals working in sterile service departments and those solving problems in the cleaning, disinfection and sterilization field covering surgical instruments, medical devices, patient and hospital environments. CSC is the original decontamination forum solely dedicated to all aspects of cleaning, disinfection sterilization. Its focus includes medical device and equipment decontamination, the general healthcare environment, infection prevention and control engineering and technical aspects of decontamination equipment, services and products.


At 3M, we are experts in helping you focus on what’s most important: the patient. From stethoscopes and surgical masks to dental supplies and medical equipment, we aim to make your job easier and your outcomes better. Our wound care solutions help you provide the hands-on care your patients expect, while our medical equipment and food safety technologies help deliver the results you require.


SSI Cardiac Network

The Cardiac SSI Network is made up of surveillance representatives from cardiothoracic centres across the UK. Our meetings offer members an opportunity for round table discussion on practices, challenges and experiences specific to SSI/prevention in adult and paediatric cardiac patients.

Cardiac SSI Network aims:

  • Create through collaboration, a central online resource focused on cardiac SSI and dedicated to sharing frontline examples of improving patient experience, safety and outcomes;
  • Promote cardiac services as a leading discipline for innovation and spread of initiatives to reduce SSI, and
  • Share learning from frontline examples, encouraging efficient and effective innovation in SSI reduction

Quality Improvement for Surgical Teams

Quality Improvement for Surgical Teams (QIST) is an opportunity for Orthopaedic Surgeons, Anaesthetists, Nurses, Managers, Commissioners, Pharmacists and Allied Health Professionals to share best practice at a two day conference hosted by Northumbria – Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust held at The Marriott Hotel Gosforth Newcastle.


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